Friday, March 30, 2012

Tuesday, March 27, 2012


This assignment was a bit difficult, but I think it was fun.

Friday, March 16, 2012

Line Assignment

I used different types of lines to draw a glass goblet. For the top left, I used dark and light lines; top right, I used cross-hatching; bottom left, diagonal and horizontal lines; and bottom right, curved and flowing lines.

Top left: Contour, Top Right: Blind Contour top view
Bottom left: Gesture #1, Bottom Right: Gesture #2

Top left: Jump, Top Right: Swim
Bottom left: Walk, Bottom Right: Run

TL: Anger, TR: Uneasy
BL: Joy/Calm, BR: Sad

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Rhythm of Smell

I found this assignment a bit tricky and difficult at times, since the idea of keeping the sense of smell in the design was a new concept for me. I don't think I nailed it, but I liked trying. The various smells are labeled.